Frequently Asked Question

Certainly! Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs)

AI technology refers to the tools, techniques, algorithms, and frameworks used to develop and deploy artificial intelligence solutions. It encompasses various subfields, including machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision, robotics, and expert systems.

AI refers to the ability of computers and machines to emulate human intelligence and perform complex tasks such as learning, reasoning and analyzing. Machine Learning, on the other hand, is a subset of AI, that uses algorithms trained on data to construct models capable of performing such complex tasks.

Some of the key, established techniques of AI are Machine Learning (ML), Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Computer or Machine vision, Data Mining and Robotics Process Automation (RPA).

ML works by collecting and exploring data, analyzing it and then identifying stark patterns in the same. This is done by inputting training data into the selected algorithm. Almost any task that can be completed with a data-defined pattern or set of rules can be automated with machine learning.

A project charter is a concise document that defines the scope, objectives and deliverables of a project, along with the roles and responsibilities of team members. It also includes the project's timeline, budget, and risks. This important document ensures that all stakeholders share a common understanding of the project's goals, etc. Project management teams refer to this charter throughout the project’s lifecycle to stay on track and meet objectives on time.

The purpose of scope management is to clearly define the logical boundaries of the project and gain agreement on the same. It also ensures that all the necessary work required for successful completion of the project has been included. Defining the scope in a clear manner enhances the overall clarity of a project.

Cost-benefit analysis is a benefit measurement method used by firms to determine if a project is worth pursuing. It involves measuring the potential benefits of the project and converting them into monetary values. Further, by subtracting the investment costs from the benefits, the analysis provides a clear result on whether the project is feasible and profitable or not.

Yes, Project management can be applied in all types of companies, regardless of their size or industry. Whether your organization operates in the tech sector, finance, healthcare or any other domain, project management can transform your business operations and drive success. This is because projects exist at various levels in all types of companies and project management can play a key role in ensuring their successful implementation and execution.

Project management tools assist project managers and teams in planning, organizing, tracking, and collaborating on projects. Some of these commonly used tools are Gantt Chart tools such as Microsoft Project or Zenkit Projects for project planning and scheduling. Other common tools are Jira, Trello, Asana, Zoho Projects and Basecamp. The choice of tools depends on specific project requirements, team size, budget, and preferences.

Yes, a product manager can also be an effective project manager because the skills required for both roles overlap to a great extent. Due to their expertise in overseeing top-level decisions, project managers can easily apply their vast knowledge in project management as well. In certain instances, some smaller companies may assign project management responsibilities to product managers..

There is no set timeframe for app development. The timeline depends on various factors such as your project scope, type and complexity of your application, features to be added, platforms to be supported, and the development team involved. Moreover, different types of apps require different development times.

On an average, while a basic version of a mobile app can be developed in 1-3 months, a medium-complex app could take around 6-7 months. For highly complex or technical apps that involve extensive graphics or third-party integrations, the development timeline might extend to 9-12 months. To optimize the time period, it is important to clearly communicate your requirements to your app development partners.

The cost of developing an app depends upon various factors including your project size and requirements, number of features to be integrated, complexity of app and design, etc. On an average, you can expect app development costs to range from $5,000 to $50,000. For a simple app with basic design and features, the development cost could come to around $5,000 - $10,000. As you increase the complexity, features and level of work, the price would automatically go up.

In case you have specific requirements and would like to have a custom quote, feel free to connect with us.

We ensure complete app privacy & data security by adhering to the best security practices. We use modern cryptography techniques and advanced authentication methods such as OTPs, complex passwords, biometric authentication, etc.

During the app development process, we create highly secure and error-free codes, and also ensure the usage of highly secure APIs to enable secure data transfer between applications and systems. Moreover, before launching the app, we conduct a strict security testing for the app. Our team is also committed to follow our security policies and receive regular training on the latest data security procedures. We also strengthen our commitment by signing an NDA.

Yes, most of the app development frameworks support incremental modifications and improvements, giving you the flexibility to update and enhance your app when required. You can easily incorporate software updates to fix any bugs, or make improvements to any outdated functionalities of your app to ensure that it stays up-to-date.

Encryption is a key method to achieve data security in blockchain. Before data is sent out of a blockchain network, encryption first converts all of it into coded ciphertext, which makes it unreadable for all except the sender. Only users with the specified private key can decrypt this data, which ensures complete security, anonymity, and protection against unauthorized access.

Blockchain wallets come with two auto-generated keys - public and private. The public key is used for encrypting data and is crucial for identification. The private key, however, is used for both encryption and decryption. It is kept confidential and is only accessible to the sender and receiver of data on blockchain. If the private key is not kept secure, data could get exposed to risks. Conversely, a public key poses no threat to data security and can be shared freely.

A blockchain developer designs and develops a wide range of blockchain applications to meet the diverse needs of businesses. By using their knowledge of coding languages and distributed ledger technology, these experts develop the architecture of blockchain systems, build dApps and smart contracts, and also optimize blockchain protocols. Their forte lies in developing applications that can securely store, transfer, and monitor data and digital assets across a decentralized network.

Below given are some of the most popular blockchain development languages - o  Solidity - It is an object-oriented programming language specifically created for designing smart contracts on Blockchain platforms. o Rust – Known for its speed, powerful capabilities and memory efficiency, this programming language is highly favoured for implementing creative, robust and reliable solutions. o React JS – Being highly versatile and efficient, React JS enables developers to build visually appealing and interactive front-end interfaces. o Node JS – Due to its ease of use, performance and scalability, Node JS allows developers to quickly build decentralized apps. o Go (Golang) – A versatile and sturdy blockchain programming language, Go is user-friendly and offers maximum performance and security benefits. o Java - Ideal for back-end development tasks, Java is known for its smart contract development tools, dApp creation functionality and excellent portability.

The cost of setting up a private blockchain for a business can vary based on business requirements, the chosen blockchain platform, tools and technologies to be used, features to be integrated, etc. Cost can be lowered by using offshore or near-shore blockchain development services, which is referred to as software outsourcing. Moreover, it is crucial to engage the right blockchain development company who can understand your requirements and architect the right platform for your business in a cost-effective way.

Smart contracts are digital versions of traditional contracts that run on blockchain. They are the specialized codes that activate when some pre-programmed condition gets triggered. They can also store data and are commonly used to buy/sell cryptocurrencies due to their simplicity.

DApps, on the other hand, are decentralized applications which are deployed using smart contract. They operate directly on a blockchain without a backend, which increases transparency, reliability and data immutability.

Delve deep into your current IT landscape and undertake an evaluation from a strategic and business perspective. Try answering few of these questions –

  • Do your IT requirements remain the same or vary throughout the year?
  • Are your business users spread across multiple geographic locations? Do you have more employees working remotely?
  • How important are aspects like security, reliability and flexibility to your business? Does your existing solution cater to these needs efficiently? Is there any scope for improvement?
  • Are you satisfied with the costs of your on-premises solution? Are the prices to scale up or upgrade services reasonable?

Cloud offers myriad benefits to businesses including improved agility, flexibility, scalability, cost savings, etc. By answering these questions, you will be able to determine if Cloud is a good fit for your business and whether now is the right time to embark on your cloud journey.

Normally, any workload can be shifted over the cloud infrastructure. You have the option to migrate your entire IT environment to the cloud gradually or perhaps move one or few selected workloads only. However, the easiest and most common workload to shift to the Cloud is data backup, both short-term and long-term. Application-based workloads such as CRM, Marketing Automation, etc can also be moved to the Cloud. Test and Dev operations can also be outsourced. Popularity of specific workloads such as analytics, databases, and web/content hosting has been observed across private, public, and hybrid cloud platforms.

The security protocols of most cloud platforms are generally more robust than private data centres. Your data is not only encrypted on the cloud, but is also continuously monitored to protect against cybersecurity threats. Besides encryption, other measures such as firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention, user authentication, access control, malware and ransomware protection, etc further strengthen the security of cloud. Many cloud computing providers offer data backup and recovery services to quickly retrieve and restore data in the event of a system crash, thus minimizing downtime for your business.

Moreover, if a cloud provider has certifications such as HIPAA, PCI-DSS and SOC in place, it means they have been assessed by a credible third party and deemed capable of handling personal/ private information securely.

Cloud computing is neither free of cost nor inexpensive. Essentially, you simply move your IT costs from one area to the other. In case of traditional IT infrastructure, businesses need to make substantial upfront investment in CAPEX like hardware and software, along with the continuous costs of maintenance and upgrades. Contrarily, cloud computing allows businesses to pay for services on a subscription basis, providing them the flexibility to scale their usage as per their needs. Here, the potential for savings comes from paying only for the utilized services. Additionally, as new product releases are typically included in the cloud cost, significant unexpected IT capital expenses can be avoided.

To fully comprehend the economics of cloud computing, it is advisable to consult a proficient cloud computing service provider who can help interpret the costs involved.

Cloud architecture refers to the underlying infrastructure that enables a cloud computing network to perform its operations as per user commands. This structure represents the way in which technology components combine to build a cloud environment capable of running applications, thereby allowing end-users to tap into the benefits of cloud resources. The technology components of a cloud architecture comprise of a front-end platform, a back-end platform (servers and storage), a cloud-based delivery model and a network.

Cloud APIs are essentially software programs designed to facilitate the development of applications and services intended for cloud platforms. Using these APIs, developers can link cloud computing services together, allowing seamless data transfer between them, and between cloud services and on-premise applications.

APIs play a crucial role in cloud computing by enabling communication and interaction between different software applications and services within a cloud setting. Further, the use of cloud APIs also contributes to enhanced cloud security and automated disaster recovery.

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